Options for clc_correct_pacbio_reads

CLC Correct PacBio Reads
Usage information:
  -q /--reads                Read file(s) to correct, eg. read.fastq.
  -o / --output              Resulting corrected reads, eg. corrected.fasta.
  -u / --uncorrected         Output file for seed reads before correction.
  -r / --report              Generate report containing error correction statistics, eg. report.txt
  -f / --fraction            Percentage of total coverage to correct (default 30).
  -m / --min-coverage        Minimum correction coverage for corrected read sections (default 10).
  -a / --min-avg-coverage    Minimum average correction coverage for corrected read sections (default 15).
  -l / --min-read-length     Minimum length of corrected read sections (default 1000).
  --cpus                     Restrict the number of threads to be used, eg. --cpus 20.